
Questo è un brano non mio che ho arrangiato nel 2001 per commissione di un cliente...

this is not a song... it is only the arragement without original Teme and instead the singer I have put the first take of a Acoustic Guitar solo.. Guitar player is Santi Pulvirenti... the take was recorded during the sound check during the arrangement.

All percussions tracks are Programmed By Giovanni Ferla (me)... I have used about 15 EXS24 istances only for Percussions


"Play Sound" (Mini-MP3-Player 1.2 ©Ute Jacobi)

 Special Thanks to Santi Mirabella  without his invaluable advice and lessons about how to play the hand drums, congas, Quinto, Tumba.... I could never be able to program the percussions grooves on my Macintosh ...

in this song, I always imagined that he was to percussion player...

Thank you Santi...

there are to man's with the same name in this song 

Santi Pilvirenti : Plays Acoustic Guitar solo

Santi Mirabella is my percussion teacher ...

Enjoy with free Fermusic Media Music 


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